OnCallogy for Employers

Top local doctors are ready and available to help

Well-qualified physicians in your area are ready to work for you. Get in touch today to see an overview of candidates in your area. Once you are on the platform, doctors will apply to be in your pool of moonlighters. You'll have lots of extra talent for when you need it.

Filling vacant shifts is easy

Every hospital struggles to fill call shifts. OnCallogy makes it easy to coordinate with local, qualified doctors across all specialities who are eager to help. Simply enter the shifts you need covered and we'll find qualified doctors to meet your need. Our large network means you get the quality coverage you need at a cost that makes sense for your business.

Quick, accurate credentialing

We vet physicians and store their credentialing documents within our system. When a physician applies to moonlight at your hospital, you have all of the information you need at your fingertips - no more missing, outdated, or incomplete information. Credentialing is a breeze.

Everyone wins

Hospitals get needed call coverage while physicians find fulfilling, exciting work.

Physicians have many reasons for moonlighting, including:

  • Seeing more interesting and varied cases in a new setting
  • Keeping skills sharp
  • Finding referrals for their own practice
  • Earning extra money to pay off student debt
  • Taking their partner or family on a surprise vacation

Whatever their reasons, we make it easy for interested doctors to find the shifts you need filled.

Where to start

It's easy to get started! Reach out to Abe (abe@oncallogy.com) for a personalized overview of the product and to discuss how OnCallogy can bring more providers to your facility.

Copyright OnCallogy 2017